Thursday, May 7, 2015

Quick Response Code - Heard of it? Used it?

Quick Response Code - Most of the smartphone users would have used this in some way or other. Yes, its the QR code, people are more familiar with QR than Quick Response codes !! In this article we'll have good look into What is QR code? How its used in present day? 

Everyone would have heard and used Bar codes, QR codes is similar to this. In fact its a variant of Bar Code itself. These codes are basically meant for quick information distribution to smart phone users. QR code will have text information stored in it, all you have to do is just open a simple QR code reader app in smart phone and scan it, to see the information stored in it. The information can be a simple invitation, wish message, call for action or a url.

There are 2 types of QR codes, one is static and another is dynamic. If a code is created and printed in a paper, then the info stored in the code cannot be edited or updated thru its life time. Meanwhile, in a dynamic code, the info stored can be altered at any time depending on the need. These type of codes are web based or mobile app based codes, which get generated in the servers and displayed. Since the codes are generated in back end, all the data that is stored can be managed in real time.

Following are some of the great and simple usage of QR code in static and dynamic formats.

QR codes in marketing

Marketing an app or a physical product, QRs are vastly used in present day world. These usage are seen on the rise due to extensive availability and usage of Android and IOS mobile phones. QR codes  with website link can be stamped in biz cards, pamphlets and loyalty cards. Even more these codes can also be part of email signature, Facebook ads and website ad banners. One such super example of it is done by Victoria Secret ad campaign in USA

QR code in attendance

A simple QR code based attendance system can be developed. Each and every identity card of the employees should have QR code with their employee number printed on it. Whenever they enter the premises, they've to show the code in the identity card on a Android mobile phone or tablet placed in a convenient place. One such app can be downloaded here.

QR code in tickets

Recently, many movie theaters, restaurants and tourism industry is using tickets printed with QR codes, which will entice the user to scan and get more info about the movie or about a place. Some companies have encouraged the users to scan and get rewards or even win a free ticket for a friend. Restaurants use these in customer loyalty programs and to give offers.

In India, you can find QR code is printed in Aadhar cards. 

How can i create a QR code online for my purpose, and that too with my logo? Check here for more.
If you want to promote your own brand, print a T-shirt with a big size QR on it. 
QR code reader is the simple and best code reader for your Android mobile phone, download one now, you never know when you'll need it !

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